How to enjoy playing with your child
It may sound completely off to you, having to ask this question – but then you’re sitting with your toddler, at the end of a long day, and the thought of playing [insert your least…
5-minute-madness as a tool for motivation and productivity
In this post, I want to introduce you to a method I’ve started using over the last years which usually had positive effects: Lifting my mood up, getting me out of a rut, allowing me…
Cargo: A sci-fi point & click adventure game
Cargo is a small point & click adventure game I developed in 2014 while taking part in the “Online Drawing Class” by Michael Musal ( The game is built with the Adventure Game Studio (…
Raycaster Experiment
I read and loved the amazing book Game Engine Black Book: Wolfenstein 3D by Fabien Sanglard. If you have even the slightest interest in game development and especially how they did coding “back in the days”, you really…
Changing Fritz!Box static routes with node.js
For a personal project related to home automation, I wanted to be able to set up static routes on my Fritz!Box from the command line. So, basically to automate the following part of the Fritz!Box…
Making Games

Debugging z-machine code
I’ve recently been working on reverse-engineering the parser and game code of an Infocom interactive fiction game. In future posts, I will…
Game Impressions

Tokyo VR Arcade
During my first visit to Japan this spring, I took the chance of visiting Bandai Namco’s “VR Zone – Project i can”…
More Articles
Porting TADS to the browser
This is one of my most recent projects (at least those that I get around to writing about…). I recently got infatuated again with Interactive Fiction, played through Ballyhoo by Infocom as well as took part in the judging of the Interactive Fiction Competition. In…
Slides from my AdventureX talk
I have participated for the first time in this year’s  AdventureX event in London, and presented my point & click adventure game, Cargo, there. It was a very nice event, I loved the feedback everyone was giving for the game and the great atmosphere. Mark, Rebecca…
Ludum Dare Postmortem: A-Maze-Thing
“A Maze Thing” was the first game jam project I have worked on. It was part of Ludum Dare 27, with the theme of “10 seconds”. In this post, I summarize how we approached the game jam and highlight some of the work I did.…
Global Game Jam 2014 Postmortem
“Clash of Duty – Medieval Warfare” is the result of the second game jam I took place in, in the context of Global Game Jam 2014. Theme The theme that was selected in the end was “We don’t see things as they are, we see…
After blogging about the BreakOut/Pong-Crossover before (see blog posts one and two), this post marks the release of the game. PongOut is a crossover between BreakOut and Pong for two players – the two players play pong, but first they have to break down a…
Ludum Dare Postmortem: Space Pioneers
This is a post-mortem of our entry in the 72-hour-jam of Ludum Dare 30, titled “Space Pioneers”. Try the game for yourself – it’s available for Windows, Mac, Linux and Android! This post is a summary of how we worked on the game as a group…